Valen Yamamoto receives the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award!

Valen is one of the 12 undergraduate UCI students to receive the prestigious award. The NSF GRFP is a competitive program that recognizes and supports outstanding students who are pursuing research-based graduate degrees in science and engineering. The five-year fellowship offers up to three years of financial support, covering tuition and fees. More details can…Continue Reading Valen Yamamoto receives the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award!

Valen Yamamoto won the ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition. Ulices Santa Cruz is also a finalist.

Congratulations to both Valen Yamamoto and Ulices Santa Cruz. Valen won the ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition’s undergraduate category, which was held in the 20203 Embedded Systems Week. Ulices Santa Cruz was a finalist for the graduate student category of the same competition….Continue Reading Valen Yamamoto won the ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition. Ulices Santa Cruz is also a finalist.

New $2M NSF Grant from the S&CC Program!

Our NSF-S&CC Proposal titled “Community-Driven Design of Fair, Urban Air Mobility Transportation Management Systems” has been funded! This $2M project will engage with a multitude of stakeholders (the public, policymakers, industry, and the government) to design a Computer Aided Planning tool named VertiCAP. VertiCAP will be equipped with novel neuro-symbolic machine learning algorithms to navigate…Continue Reading New $2M NSF Grant from the S&CC Program!

FastBATLLNN is a Category Winner in the VNN-COMP’22!

James Ferlez and Haitham Khedr’s tool, named FastBATLLNN, is the category winner for the tllverifybench Benchmark. VNN-COMP’22 is a formal methods and verification competition for neural networks and is affiliated with the 34th International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV’22), which is dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of computer-aided formal analysis methods…Continue Reading FastBATLLNN is a Category Winner in the VNN-COMP’22!

Dr. Xiaowu Sun successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation

Congratulations to Xiaowu Sun on successfully defending his dissertation “Safe Learning and Verification of Neural Network Controllers for Autonomous Systems.” Xiaowu’s dissertation addresses two profound questions “How to use symbolic/abstraction-based methods to provide formal guarantees of neural network controllers” and “how to use neural networks to design better symbolic/abstraction-based controllers?”. His dissertation resulted in a…Continue Reading Dr. Xiaowu Sun successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation

New NSF CPS-Medium Grant!

Our CPS-Medium proposal on “ASTrA: Automated Synthesis for Trustworthy Autonomous Utility Services” has been funded by NSF! This project aims to develop a new set of tools and methodologies for the automated synthesis of distributed decision-making agents. The project will explore the use of population games to design new distributed decision-making algorithms, the use of…Continue Reading New NSF CPS-Medium Grant!

New Grant from Digital Transformation Institute!

Our proposal on “Semantic Adversarial Analysis for Secure Critical Infrastructure” got accepted for funding from the Digital Transformation Institute. In this proposal (with Sanjit A. Seshia – UC Berkeley), we will investigate new techniques for semantic adversarial analysis of learning-enabled cyber-physical systems to find vulnerabilities that impact the semantics of the overall system….Continue Reading New Grant from Digital Transformation Institute!

Prof. Shoukry receives the Early Career Award from the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems

Prof. Shoukry receives the Early Career Award from the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems for “contributions to the theory and design of safe learning-enabled cyber-physical systems”…Continue Reading Prof. Shoukry receives the Early Career Award from the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems

STEM Outreach: Tech + Research: Welcoming Women to Computing Research

Sep. 2018: RCPSL lab will participate in the “Tech + Research: Welcoming Women to Computing Research” (in collaboration with Technica, the largest all-women hackathon in the nation) event. If you are an undergraduate student, consider participating in our project. It will be fun!…Continue Reading STEM Outreach: Tech + Research: Welcoming Women to Computing Research