Congratulations to Haitham Wael and Ulices for successfully defending their Ph.D. dissertations….Continue Reading Dr. Haitham Khedr, Dr. Wael Fatnassi, and Dr. Ulices Santa Cruz Leal have successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertation.
Valen Yamamoto receives the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award!
Valen is one of the 12 undergraduate UCI students to receive the prestigious award. The NSF GRFP is a competitive program that recognizes and supports outstanding students who are pursuing research-based graduate degrees in science and engineering. The five-year fellowship offers up to three years of financial support, covering tuition and fees. More details can…Continue Reading Valen Yamamoto receives the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award!
Valen Yamamoto won the ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition. Ulices Santa Cruz is also a finalist.
Congratulations to both Valen Yamamoto and Ulices Santa Cruz. Valen won the ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition’s undergraduate category, which was held in the 20203 Embedded Systems Week. Ulices Santa Cruz was a finalist for the graduate student category of the same competition….Continue Reading Valen Yamamoto won the ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition. Ulices Santa Cruz is also a finalist.
New $2M NSF Grant from the S&CC Program!
Our NSF-S&CC Proposal titled “Community-Driven Design of Fair, Urban Air Mobility Transportation Management Systems” has been funded! This $2M project will engage with a multitude of stakeholders (the public, policymakers, industry, and the government) to design a Computer Aided Planning tool named VertiCAP. VertiCAP will be equipped with novel neuro-symbolic machine learning algorithms to navigate…Continue Reading New $2M NSF Grant from the S&CC Program!
Papers accepted in CDC 2023
Our papers titled Model Extraction Attacks Against Reinforcement Learning Based Controllers and Certified Vision-based State Estimation for Autonomous Landing Systems using Reachability Analysis are accepted at the 2023 IEEE Control and Decision Conference (CDC)….Continue Reading Papers accepted in CDC 2023
Papers accepted at HSCC and ICCPS (part of CPS-IoT Week)
Our papers titled “BERN-NN: Tight Bound Propagation For Neural Networks Using Bernstein Polynomial Interval Arithmetic” and “EnergyShield: Provably-Safe Offloading of Neural Network Controllers for Energy Efficiency” are accepted in HSCC 2023 and ICCPS 2023 (CPS-IoT Week)….Continue Reading Papers accepted at HSCC and ICCPS (part of CPS-IoT Week)
FastBATLLNN is a Category Winner in the VNN-COMP’22!
James Ferlez and Haitham Khedr’s tool, named FastBATLLNN, is the category winner for the tllverifybench Benchmark. VNN-COMP’22 is a formal methods and verification competition for neural networks and is affiliated with the 34th International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV’22), which is dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of computer-aided formal analysis methods…Continue Reading FastBATLLNN is a Category Winner in the VNN-COMP’22!
Paper accepted in IEEE L-CSS
Our paper titled “Polynomial-Time Reachability for LTI Systems with Two-Level Lattice Neural Network Controllers,” is accepted for publication in the IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS)!…Continue Reading Paper accepted in IEEE L-CSS
Paper accepted in AAAI 2023
Our paper titled “CertiFair: A Framework for Certified Global Fairness of Neural Networks” is accepted for publication in the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence!…Continue Reading Paper accepted in AAAI 2023
Dr. Xiaowu Sun successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation
Congratulations to Xiaowu Sun on successfully defending his dissertation “Safe Learning and Verification of Neural Network Controllers for Autonomous Systems.” Xiaowu’s dissertation addresses two profound questions “How to use symbolic/abstraction-based methods to provide formal guarantees of neural network controllers” and “how to use neural networks to design better symbolic/abstraction-based controllers?”. His dissertation resulted in a…Continue Reading Dr. Xiaowu Sun successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation
Two papers accepted in 2022 IEEE CDC
Our papers titled “NNSynth: Neural Network Guided Abstraction-Based Controller Synthesis for Stochastic Systems” and “Safe-by-Repair: A Convex Optimization Approach for Repairing Unsafe Two-Level Lattice Neural Network Controllers” are accepted for publication in the 2022 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)….Continue Reading Two papers accepted in 2022 IEEE CDC
New NSF CPS-Medium Grant!
Our CPS-Medium proposal on “ASTrA: Automated Synthesis for Trustworthy Autonomous Utility Services” has been funded by NSF! This project aims to develop a new set of tools and methodologies for the automated synthesis of distributed decision-making agents. The project will explore the use of population games to design new distributed decision-making algorithms, the use of…Continue Reading New NSF CPS-Medium Grant!
New Grant from Digital Transformation Institute!
Our proposal on “Semantic Adversarial Analysis for Secure Critical Infrastructure” got accepted for funding from the Digital Transformation Institute. In this proposal (with Sanjit A. Seshia – UC Berkeley), we will investigate new techniques for semantic adversarial analysis of learning-enabled cyber-physical systems to find vulnerabilities that impact the semantics of the overall system….Continue Reading New Grant from Digital Transformation Institute!
Paper Accepted in NASA Formal Methods Symposium 2022
Our paper titled “NNLander-VeriF: A Neural Network Formal Verification Framework for Vision-Based Autonomous Aircraft Landing” is accepted to appear in the Proceedings of NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM) 2022….Continue Reading Paper Accepted in NASA Formal Methods Symposium 2022
Paper accepted in HSCC 2022
Our paper titled “Fast BATLLNN: Fast Box Analysis of Two-Level Lattice Neural Networks” is accepted to appear in the Proceedings of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC) 2022….Continue Reading Paper accepted in HSCC 2022
Two papers accepted in 2021 IEEE CDC
Our papers titled “Provably Safe Model-Based Meta Reinforcement Learning: An Abstraction-Based Approach” and “Bounding the Complexity of Formally Verifying Neural Networks: A Geometric Approach” are accepted for publication in the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)….Continue Reading Two papers accepted in 2021 IEEE CDC
Prof. Shoukry receives the Early Career Award from the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems
Prof. Shoukry receives the Early Career Award from the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems for “contributions to the theory and design of safe learning-enabled cyber-physical systems”…Continue Reading Prof. Shoukry receives the Early Career Award from the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems
Xiaowu Sun is a finalist in the ACM SIGBED SRC Student Competition @ CPS-IoT Week 2021!
Congratulations to RCPSL student Xiaowu Sun for being a finalist in the ACM SIGBED SRC @ CPS-IoT Week 2021!…Continue Reading Xiaowu Sun is a finalist in the ACM SIGBED SRC Student Competition @ CPS-IoT Week 2021!
Paper accepted in CAV 2021
Our paper titled “PEREGRiNN: Penalized-Relaxation Greedy Neural Network Verifier,” is accepted for publication at the 33rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), 2021….Continue Reading Paper accepted in CAV 2021
Paper accepted in ADHS 2021
Our paper titled “PolyAR: A Highly Parallelizable Solver For Polynomial Inequality Constraints Using Convex Abstraction Refinement” is accepted for publication at the 7th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS)….Continue Reading Paper accepted in ADHS 2021
Paper Accepted in IEEE CDC
Our paper titled “Two-Level Lattice Neural Network Architectures for Control of Nonlinear Systems” is accepted for publication in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control….Continue Reading Paper Accepted in IEEE CDC
We are organizing an ARO workshop on “Assured Autonomy”
We are organizing an ARO workshop on “Assured Autonomy”. More details are given on this website….Continue Reading We are organizing an ARO workshop on “Assured Autonomy”
Paper Accepted in ACM TCPS
Our paper titled “ Gordian: Formal Reasoning Based Outlier Detection for Secure Localization” is accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems….Continue Reading Paper Accepted in ACM TCPS
Paper Accepted in Automatica
Our paper titled “Securing State Reconstruction Under Sensor and Actuator Attacks: Theory and Design” is accepted for publication in Automatica….Continue Reading Paper Accepted in Automatica
Paper Accepted in IEEE TAC
Our paper titled “Cloud-based Quadratic Optimization with Partially Homomorphic Encryption” is accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control….Continue Reading Paper Accepted in IEEE TAC
Paper accepted in ACC 2020
Our paper titled “ Controller Synthesis subject to Logical and Structural Constraints: A Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) Approach” is accepted to appear in the Proceedings of the American Control Conference ACC 2020….Continue Reading Paper accepted in ACC 2020
Paper accepted in HSCC 2020
Jan. 2018: Our paper titled “AReN: Assured ReLU NN Architecture for Model Predictive Control of LTI Systems” is accepted to appear in the Proceedings of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC) 2020….Continue Reading Paper accepted in HSCC 2020
George Corcoran Memorial Award
July 2019: Prof. Shoukry receives the George Corcoran Memorial Award presented to young faculty who “has shown exemplary contributions to teaching and educational leadership”….Continue Reading George Corcoran Memorial Award
Press Coverage: ACM PL Blog
June 2019: Our work on applying formal verification for end-to-end learning was featured in a blog post in the “ACM Programming Languages Perspectives” blog….Continue Reading Press Coverage: ACM PL Blog
Dr. James Ferlez joins RCPSL
May 2019: Dr. James Ferlez will join RCPSL as a postdoc researcher starting summer 2019….Continue Reading Dr. James Ferlez joins RCPSL
Feb 2018: Prof. Shoukry receives the prestigious NSF CAREER Award for his proposal titled “Decision Procedures for High-Assurance, AI-Controlled, Cyber-Physical Systems”!…Continue Reading NSF CAREER Award!
New Northrup Grumman-UMD Seed Project
Feb 2018: Prof. Yasser Shoukry and Prof. Nuno Martins received a one-year grant from Northrop Grumman to investigate “Security and Networking Co-Design for Industrial IoT”….Continue Reading New Northrup Grumman-UMD Seed Project
Talk on Resilient and Verifiable Autonomous CPS
Feb 2018: Prof. Shoukry will give a colloquium talk on “Resilient and Verifiable Autonomous CPS” at the University of Virginia….Continue Reading Talk on Resilient and Verifiable Autonomous CPS
Paper accepted in SafeThings
Jan. 2018: Our paper titled ” SpyCon: Adaptation Based Spyware in Human-in-the-Loop IoT” is accepted to appear in the Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (SafeThings 2019). The workshop is affiliated with IEEE Security and Privacy (Oakland)….Continue Reading Paper accepted in SafeThings
Paper accepted in ICRA
Jan. 2018: Our paper titled ” DoS-Resilient Multi-Robot Temporal Logic Motion Planning” is accepted to appear in the Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019….Continue Reading Paper accepted in ICRA
Paper accepted in HSCC (CPS-IoT Week)
Dec. 2018: Our paper titled ” Formal Verification of Neural Network Controlled Autonomous Systems” is accepted to appear in the Proceedings of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2019….Continue Reading Paper accepted in HSCC (CPS-IoT Week)
RCPSL Students in the news!
Oct. 2018: Congratulations Rohit on being part of UMD Paratroopers team who won third place at the IROS Autonomous Drone Racing Competition held in Madrid!…Continue Reading RCPSL Students in the news!
Co-Chairing ACM SafeThings TPC
Oct. 2018: The ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (ACM SafeThings) 2019 will take place in San Francisco (Co-located with IEEE S&P). Consider submitting your best papers!…Continue Reading Co-Chairing ACM SafeThings TPC
Talks on Resilient and Verifiable Autonomous CPS
Oct. 2018: Prof. Shoukry will give talks on “Resilient and Verifiable Autonomous CPS” at University of California San Diego and Stanford University….Continue Reading Talks on Resilient and Verifiable Autonomous CPS
STEM Outreach: Tech + Research: Welcoming Women to Computing Research
Sep. 2018: RCPSL lab will participate in the “Tech + Research: Welcoming Women to Computing Research” (in collaboration with Technica, the largest all-women hackathon in the nation) event. If you are an undergraduate student, consider participating in our project. It will be fun!…Continue Reading STEM Outreach: Tech + Research: Welcoming Women to Computing Research
New NSF CPS Project
Sept. 2018: Prof. Yasser Shoukry and Prof. P. S. Krishnaprasad received a three-year project to study “Resilient-by-Cognition Cyber-Physical Systems”….Continue Reading New NSF CPS Project
Co-Organizing a Special Session at EMSOFT
July 2018: Co-chairing a special session at EMSOFT 2018 titled “Embedded Software for Robotics: Challenges and Future Directions”. If you are attending ES Week, make sure to attend!…Continue Reading Co-Organizing a Special Session at EMSOFT
Debbie Tsai Graduated!
June 2018: Debbie Tsai defended her MS thesis and will join Microsoft! Congratulations Debbie!…Continue Reading Debbie Tsai Graduated!
Paper accepted in Proceedings of the IEEE
June 2018: Our paper titled ” SMC: Satisfiability Modulo Convex Programming” is accepted to appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE, 2018….Continue Reading Paper accepted in Proceedings of the IEEE
Co-Chairing ACM SafeThings TPC
May 2018: The 2nd ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (ACM SafeThings) 2018 will take place in Shenzhen, China (Co-located with SenSys and BuildSys). Consider submitting your best papers!…Continue Reading Co-Chairing ACM SafeThings TPC
Talk at the Laboratory For Telecommunication Sciences
February 2018: Invited talk at the Laboratory For Telecommunication Sciences, a federally funded lab….Continue Reading Talk at the Laboratory For Telecommunication Sciences
New Northrup Grumman-UMD Seed Project
January 2018: Prof. Yasser Shoukry and Prof. P. S. Krishnaprasad received a one-year grant from Northrop Grumman to investigate “Attack-Resilient Law-Enforcement Drones”….Continue Reading New Northrup Grumman-UMD Seed Project
Paper accepted in ICCPS
December 2017: Our paper titled “Sybil-Attack Resilient Traffic Networks: A Physics-Based Trust Propagation Approach” is accepted in ICCPS 2018….Continue Reading Paper accepted in ICCPS
Press Coverage: IoT Privacy Forum
December 2017: My work on sensor security and privacy is featured in the IoT Privacy Forum….Continue Reading Press Coverage: IoT Privacy Forum
Talk in the NIST IoT Cybersecurity Colloquium
October 2017: Prof. Shoukry will give an invited talk at the NIST IoT Cybersecurity Colloquium….Continue Reading Talk in the NIST IoT Cybersecurity Colloquium